Way of the Rose 1:1 Mentorship

Embody your feminine essence and embrace your bloom

Way of the Rose is your call to reawaken the wild, untamed feminine and cultivate fertile ground for your greatest growth and expansion. Experience deep remembrance of your divine wisdom, innate worth, and sacred intuition through pleasure, play, embodiment, and self-discovery.

Anaïs Nin

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

From bud to bloom, let your inner rose unfold


Way of the Rose is for the woman who will no longer tolerate the pain of holding her potential within and is ready to quantum leap in her life and embody her fullest expression. The woman who is ready to step into her divine feminine essence and reconnect with the gentle strength and grace that resides within her, cultivate her inner garden and reclaim her personal power. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and self-love by embracing your innate cyclical nature and surrendering to flow so you can become your most radiant and aligned self.

Every rosebud can blossom, with rich soil and strong roots.

Are you ready to bloom, but feel your growth is hindered by…

  • Feeling unworthy or unable of achieving your desires

  • Struggling to love yourself and fully embody your self-worth

  • Unable to break the cycle of looking to your job, money, or relationships for external validation

  • Habitually self-sacrificing, people pleasing, numbing, or avoiding out of fear of rejection or abandonment

  • Trapped by limiting beliefs, old programs or the past, unable to reimagine your future

  • Feeling lost, stuck or afraid that it’s too late to live the life you desire and have your dreams manifest into reality

  • Unable to overcome wounded masculine or feminine energy, falling into society’s conditioning that it’s not safe to be in your true feminine essence

Tap into the essence and wisdom of the rose.

From tender bud to full bloom, the Way of the Rose embraces the wisdom of our cyclical nature, knowing that each phase has its lessons in the journey to becoming, to wholeness and of coming home to self. Experience the radiance and magnetism that comes from nurturing your feminine spirit. Find wholeness in accepting that you can fiercely stand in your power while also honoring your vital cycles of growth and rest. The essence of the rose teaches us that there is strength in softness and safety in vulnerability. Your inner world is the garden through which your passions, purpose and potential will blossom.

It’s time to cultivate fertile ground, so you can root and rise.

Are you ready to prune all that’s holding you back from your potential to flourish?

  • To become fully empowered, confident, living from divine heart space and the present moment

  • Cultivate a sense of safety in your mind, body and spirit

  • Step into your potential as the creator of your dream life, knowing there are infinite possibilities and timelines available at any given moment

  • Receive the tools to help you navigate anything that tries to hinder your growth or tell you otherwise

  • Hone your discernment, understand sovereignty, and unapologetically share your gifts

  • Fearlessly speak your truth, stand in your power and rise in your sacred feminine essence

An intimate and immersive 1:1 container

Way of the Rose was created for the woman who is ready to quantum leap in her life and invest in her transformation. It is designed to be easeful, cyclical and flow like the feminine, each week laying a foundation and creating space to anchor in the tools. Together we will walk you through the wholeness of your process and celebrate your wins, integrating each lesson and shift through intimate 1:1 support.

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished”

Lao Tzu


Week 1-2

The Seed

Cultivate fertile ground for your roots to take hold, and initiate your season of growth through a foundation of safety, trust, courage and confidence within. Dig in to your unique cosmic blueprint with Codes of the Seeds. Learn to flow and flourish in tune with your physical, emotional, and spiritual cycles. Find peace in impermanence and presence in the ever-changing landscape of the journey home to self.

Week 3-4


Embrace your wholeness, petals and thorns, what is and what was. Cleanse the soil and nourish your sacred seeds through ancestral and lineage work, inner child healing, self-nurturing, and restoring the essence of the healed mother. Cultivate your innate sacred and divine worthiness to create what you desire. Remember and honor your ancestral roots.

week 5-6

The  Rose Bud 

Awaken to your truth, find your empowered voice, and prepare for your greatest unfolding through cultivating a sense of purpose, and mind, body, soul connection. Sacred boundaries workshop and cord-cutting ritual. Release old stories with your inner teenager. Reconnect with your true soul essence and find wholeness by embracing your shadow and seeing everything as a mirror.

week 7-8

Growing Season

Overcome self-abandonment and rejection. Fall madly in love with yourself through confidence codes, and self-forgiveness with ho’oponopono. Cultivate deep gratitude for your body, being and life. Find your inner joy through playful expression and imagination. Realize your destiny, see the true potential that has always existed within and tap into the power to create your vision and align with your soul’s true essence.

week 9-10

The Bloom

Just as the rose opens its petals to receive the nourishing sun and rain you will learn to open your heart to receive the abundance, in all forms, that is your birthright. Step into a whole new way of being, without doing, using manifestation tools to bloom into your dream self and reality. Embrace a state of openness allowing prosperity, love and joy to flow effortlessly into your life. Embody the feminine capacity to attract without chasing, and flow with the cycles of death and rebirth. Harmonize and heal the polarity of the masculine and feminine within yourself and your relationships.

week 11-13


Just as each petal of a rose contributes to its beauty, explore the elements of your femininity and embrace the full spectrum of your emotions, strengths, and creative power. Find safety and power in the realms of pleasure and play. Honor your sacred womb space, activating the temple of the rose within you to reconnect with your gifts. Awaken your inner sex goddess, through transformative pleasure practices and womb work. Mirror work and sacred rage empower you to reclaim boundaries, ignite passion, and fierce self-compassion and acceptance. Embrace the wisdom of working with your blood, honoring your menstrual cycle as a source of renewal and empowerment.

Client love

“There are no words to describe working with Morgan!”

She has taken my hand and pushed me into the most uncomfortable places (with the most love) so I can bring them into light and SHIFT. She has taught be to remember that I am a divine being of light, to stand in my truth, and shift generational trauma. Here's to a lifetime working with Morgan. 

–  Angela M. 

There is no greater magic than when women rise together.

You don’t have to walk this journey alone. Imagine being fully supported to…

  • Liberate yourself and release, without resistance, all that you have held on to

  • Let the protective walls fall, break through blocks and unapologetically step into who you always knew you were capable of being

  • Feel safe, loved and at home in your mind, body and spirit

  • Reconnect to your roots and heal your lineage

  • Cultivate and restore the essence of the healed mother within, remembering she is holy, sacred, and divine

  • Release the wounds that you have carried for lifetimes, stories of unworthiness, abandonment, or suppression

  • Rewrite your story infused with abundance, worthiness and achieving your dreams

  • No longer hold back, but turn your light all the way on and burn brighter than you ever have before


Everything you need to bloom

Weekly 60-minute 1:1 calls to connect on where you are at in your process, supported  by akashic record work, reiki, astrology, gene keys, human design and more

Lifetime access to the online portal with over 50 videos: mini-trainings, embodiment practices, rituals, meditations, weekly soulwork, journal prompts among other tools and bonuses

Full-time Voxer support

Weekly trainings, tools & practices

Goddess activations

Playlists curated for divine feminine embodiment

Exploration of your gene keys

Astrology and human design to understand your soul imprint

Option to work with sacred plant essences

Special sign-up gift ($100 value)

bonus offers


Bonus One

Sign up before July 1st and get access to three of my online self-guided courses ($800 value)

  • Walk the Mother Wound

  • Journey with the Father Wound

  • When I Was Younger (Healing the inner teenager)

Bonus Two


  • Monthly Breathwork sessions

  • Monthly Goddess Yoga

  • 7 Different Morning Routines to Practice

  • Access to any group offerings during time of contract


VIP Bonus

Two VIP spaces are available for a private retreat experience in Austin, TX with integration support

Payment Options

paid in full


*All pricing based on three month container. Six month container option available.

4 payments of


*All pricing based on three month container. Six month container option available.



**Includes a semi-private in-person retreat experience in Austin, TX

Payment Plan Option Available

Are you ready to bloom into your brilliance?

Your embodied, divine feminine essence awaits

  • “Quickly after starting our container, I made quantum leaps in my life and business” I came across Morgan's page at the most perfect time. I was looking for a coach that blended energetics with practicality and she did exactly that. I am in an entirely different place then I was one year ago and I would highly recommend working with Morgan, there is no need to hesitate, she is the real deal.

    – Ashley O.

  • “Working with Morgan has been quite profound for my spiritual and emotional growth!” She always approaches challenges with the utmost love, kindness, and respect. Together we resolved a number of past life concerns that were stirred up in some negative experiences. I am constantly amazed and intrigued by both her breadth and depth of knowledge, while her guidance is loving and easy to put into practice.

    – Lyndsey D.

  • “Morgan is a wealth of knowledge!” Her connection to tap into the cosmos and spiritual realm has been such a blessing to me. We have healed past lives, cleared soul connections that don’t seem to be serving anymore. She has helped me to find expansion with a curiosity that is rare in the coaching world.

    -Ruth M.

meet your guide

I’m Morgan, Divine Feminine Wayshower,

Walker between worlds & your intuitive guide to the emotional realms.

I have traversed some of the darkest valleys of childhood trauma + cleared centuries of karmic ties. I believe with every single fiber of my being that we all carry the codes that break the chains of patriarchal wounding by activating our divine feminine essence.

My dharma is to be a Divine Feminine Wayshower and to pioneer women into the greatest mystery of all. Death before Rebirth. Returning to what has been lost through curiosity, creation, and compassion.

I stand for women in their power, pleasure + sacred birthright that screams out loud, “I get to have it all + I don’t have to pick + choose”

I believe desire is a mystery put inside you by the divine and the truth is, it will challenge everything your mind holds sacred. 

The tools I share in Way of the Rose transformed my life from leaving my 9-5 job, building a business from scratch, tripling my income, becoming madly in love with my body for the first time, and cultivating the deepest level of trust within myself. I have had the honor of ushering over 60 women through these tools, practices, and rituals and watched in awe as each of them has made massive shifts in claiming their dream life.

The time has come to break out of your bud and fully embrace your bloom

Way of the Rose is calling…

The woman ready to tap into her power

The woman ready to blossom into her full potential 

The woman who is devoted to ushering in new earth with her divine gifts

The woman who is here to eradicate old stories and limiting beliefs in her ancestral lineage

The woman who is ready to embrace radical self-acceptance, to embody divine confidence and never again dim her light

The woman who chooses to keep her heart open and soften in a world that tried to callus her. 


  • All pricing is listed above and payment plan options are available.

  • Each week will contain approximately 30 minutes of video trainings, 10-minute practices, and journal prompts, intended to make integration into your day effortless while also supporting you in seeing consistent progress on your journey.

  • Way of the Rose begins July 10th, but has an open enrollment throughout the year based on availability.

  • This program is designed to fully support you, providing tools and guidance for every step of the journey. You get to decide how deep you want to go, and in what ways you are ready to show up for yourself. (I will always give a loving nudge)

Rooted and Radiant

For the woman who knows not living her dharma is a disservice to herself and the collective, desires deeper connection to self and source, who knows she deserves a life of magnetism and flow, safety in vulnerability and sacred devotion, this is your call.